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Special Offers

Here you will find the right offer for your desired travel connection with a simple price comparison and secure online booking.

Choose from over 500 connections in northern and southern Europe and, as a member of ADAC, benefit from attractive price advantages and save up to 25% depending on the shipping company.


25% discount on bookings from 12.09.24 to 30.09.24

Valid for departures from 12.09.24 to 17.12.24 on the following routes:

  • Livorno ↔ Olbia
  • Livorno ↔ Palermo

25% discount on the surcharge for the transport of motorhomes (up to 9m in length and 4.20m in height) and trailers - excluding EU-ETS* costs - for departures until 17.12.24.

More information about the offer and ticket changes can be found here.